Art by Ivana Damien George Has Been Reviewed And Published in:
What has the media been saying?
“Ivana Damien George’s “Glacial Waters” makes for a sly pendant to the Washburn show. It consists of four color photographs, 14 inches by 21 inches. Each consists of a clear globe holding water, water that came from a glacier in the Peruvian Andes. In the background, one can see the glacier. It’s at once a visual/hydrological pun and a comment on climate change. The glaciers are shrinking, which makes it easier for George to fill her bowls — until, of course, the glaciers have shrunken so much that they’re gone and so’s the water. ”
by Mark Feeney
“The Artists Corner at Panopticon displays a perfect contemporary response to Washburn. The photographs by Ivana Damien George engage the topics of environment, global warming, and water resources.”
“Photographer and mixed media artist Ivana George is an avid gardener whose latest collection of images explores the topic of food sustainability in a provocative and humorous manner.”
by Chris Reagle
“Ivana Damien George attempts to respond to and go beyond the aesthetic product of art. She compels the viewer to intimately consider the meaning of her work with a symbolic reference to our present, one day becoming our history.”
““She Discovered a Hidden Treasure,” with a very large bottle gourd, is the most amusing image in the show”
““I was deeply struck by the energy welling up from every corner of New England in photography,’’ writes Prodger, who’s curator of photography at the Peabody Essex Museum, in a juror’s statement. One form that energy takes is sheer diversity. The very nearly hilarious starkness of Daniel Coury’s “Untitled,’’ which places four pieces of hard candy cut in half shown against a bare background, is as different from the glorious visual cacophony of Pelle Cass’s “Cypress Field’’ as the uses of water are in Ivana George’s “Boston 2200 A.D.’’ and Katherine McVety’s “Canoe at Great Meadows.’’ George manipulates her image to show a global-warming cityscape, in which Boston Harbor has inundated much of the skyline.”
by Mark Feeney